Machol Dance and Live Ministries is both a ministry and an association. As such, it exists according to the 1901 law that gives a non-profit organisation status to it. Sodapop and Christine Jeanville founded the ministry in 2004 and the 1901 French law association in 2006.
Christine and Sodapop are both professional artists and teachers. Above all else, they are both children of God and worshipers.
Christine is a classical and contemporary dancer. She got her training from Russian school and Balanchine. She worked as a dancer at the Hanover Opera House in Germany and in various other cultural and artistic events. Being very creative, she produced various musicals based on biblical themes and she founded a christian center for art ("Centre Artistique Chrétien") which was pioneering work at the time. After having experienced a miraculous healing through prayer, it came to her understanding that there was a fullness of God’s movement in our life and that it impacted the spirit, the soul and the body one and all. Her passion for the Lord and her personal experience in dance gave her inspiration to create classes based on the pearls she drew from the Word by developing a method that was the result of all her scientific and biblical research.
Sodapop is pioneer in hip-hop dancing in France and in Europe. He has been a dancer and a choreographer for 39 years and is a graduate from academic dance school. He has directed dance companies, organized and directed various artistic and cultural events. As he was a hip-hop teacher, he was able to accompany numerous young people throughout their journey to becoming dancers themselves. He did so in social centers, in youth associations (Maison des jeunes et de la culture- MJC) in national centers for dance (CND) and at the Lyon opera house. He is also a photographer , a producer and a directeur, a composer and a song writer.
Christine and Sodapop have been conveying Kingdom values through Machol Dance and Live Ministries in churches, seminars and various events for over twenty years, in France and all over the world, wherever they are called.
Through the training they bestow, each and everyone can experience a strengthened identity in Christ. They guide and accompany anyone who is willing to be restored and healed by God in order to step into a deeper intimacy with Him through art and the Word.
Since 2018, they have opened a school called « Ecole de Formation sur l’ Identité et la Louange par le Mouvement »(EFILM) which means « school of training on Identity and worship through movement », the content of this training is based upon the Hebrew and Greek roots of the bible. It takes place over two years, two sessions a year and each session is five days long . It is of the utmost importance that christians become fully established in their identity in Christ and confident in their authority.
(click to see the EFILM booklet)
Machol Dance and Live Ministries uses the social media tools to reach out and evangelize a wide intergenerational crowd. Everyone can benefit from the edification that the Machol YouTube channel brings through exercise-videos that are dispensed to you thematically. Whether it’s « little Saturday work-outs », « Machol training series » or « The Machol Worship and Dance Tracks » they are all available in French and English and everyone can receive from God and connect very simply using all three of our dimensions, spirit, soul and body. (
Their passionate commitment in intercession brought them to open a House of Prayer in their hometown. They were asked to be coordinators of the « France en feu » house of prayer network by its leader, Fabienne Pons, and filled that position both nationally and internationally for three years.
For 14 years now, they have been coordinators and ambassadors for France at the "All Nations Convocation Jerusalem and the Watchmen’s Tour of Israel", working alongside Kate and Tom Hess. In Jerusalem, they lead an intercessory group of prayer for France and Israel. They are members of the elders group and co-directors of the prayer and intercession times with the nations from the Jaffa gate ( in which the US are also present) during the whole of the convocation.
Since the pandemic kicked in, they have started a zoom meeting called "Rendez-vous de Prière et d’Intercession pour la France", meaning "Prayer and Intercession Gathering for France" in which they work hand in hand with other French prayer ministries.
Christine and Sodapop
Founders and directors of "Machol Dance and Live!" ministries